Friday 25 September 2015

Health benefits of strawberries during pregnancy

Health benefits of strawberries during pregnancy
The #1 Favorite Fruit
Setting aside the health benefits of strawberries for a minute, I have to say that strawberries are absolutely the shining jewel of the spring.
Ever since I was kid, there hasn't been a May that I haven't eaten a freshly picked strawberry and spent more than a few minutes marveling at the complete beauty of the fruit itself, almost overwhelmed at how it could be possible that such a bright red, incredibly sweet, perfectly textured thing could come from a tiny seed.
There are always people who say they don't like fruits or vegetables that I adore. Take tomatoes, for example. They're often vilified, and for good reason- if you've only ever tried tomatoes from the grocery store, you probably think they are mealy, greasy, and tasteless.
But, do you know anyone in the world who doesn't like strawberries?
Well they're probably out there somewhere. Regardless, there are some amazing health benefits of strawberries that help build my case for why we should eat more fresh local berries in the spring.
What Are the Health Benefits of Strawberries?
Fruits and vegetables get their distinctive colors based on the nutrients inside their flesh. Red fruits are generally packed with anthocyanins and the antioxidant carotenoid lycopene. Lycopene's greatest claim to fame is that it helps push free radicals out of your body. Free radicals are any contaminants that could potentially fester inside you and cause serious health problems like cancer and heart disease.
Strawberries are also full of vitamin C, which most people know will help guard your immune system against common illnesses. Vitamin C also works to build strong, healthy joints and eyes. During pregnancy, foods filled with vitamin C are important because they help your body absorb iron and protects your tissues from damage.
Other vitamins and minerals in abundance in these berries are vitamin K, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium, potassium, and even omega fatty acids.
Probably one of the coolest health benefits of strawberries is their ability to block pain receptors in your body in the same way that aspirin does. Next time you have a headache, reach for a handful of fresh strawberries instead of that bottle of medicine.
You can also reap the health benefits of strawberries during pregnancy as well. They are a great source of folic acid and fiber, so they will help grow your baby's brain and neural tube as well as defend your body against one of the negative side effects of pregnancy constipation.
Each medium size berry gives you about 1% of your daily needs of folic acid. I can certainly think of a few days in a pick-your-own patch where I probably ingested about 100% of my daily needs of folic acid in one sitting.
Lucky for parents, strawberries are among the very top of almost every list asking children their favorite fruit. Little do they know the fruit is helping build the memory function of their brains, guarding them against heart disease and cancer, improving their heart health, reducing inflammation, and lowering their blood pressure. Of course, if your children are eating balanced vegan diets, most of their foods should be giving them these wonderful benefits.

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